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How to buy products offered by Sellers on our Smart Commerce wesbite ?

MartUGo SmartCommerce is where products are available for sale on the website, and offer third party sellers to sell their products on the website. Buying from a Third Party Seller is easy:

We indicate on the relevant product pages when products are for sale by the Third Party Seller. Buying products from Third Party Sellers works exactly the same as buying products. You can simply add the products to your shopping cart and proceed through checkout using the available payment method(s).

Products sold by Third Party Sellers qualify for the same delivery options as products ordered from our Smart Commerce site.

Returns will also be handled by our MartUGo SmartCommerce Team.

How do I register as a Seller ?

To register as a Seller, click here or on Sell at the top right of the Smart Commerce website and create an account. We’ll need your verification and you can always add your details later. Your email is important as all communications with us will is channelled via it.

What are my payment options?

Payment can be made via:
  1. Credit & Debit Card;
  2. Maestro & Visa Electron
  3. Cryptocurrency
PayStack: Modern online and offline payments for Africa - Paystack helps businesses in Africa get paid by anyone, anywhere in the world
You can also earn cryptocurrency by registering and a buyer and through regular purchases; We currently accept Nuclum and Billium ethereum based tokens.

What are my delivery options ?

Smart Commerce offers convenient methods of delivery:
Courier - We deliver directly to your home or office, anywhere in South Africa.  All delivery and tracking details are supplied to you at checkout;

Is it safe to shop using the Smart Commerce website ?

We take the security of your payment and personal information seriously. We make sure our site is verified and proper certificates are always up to date. Since we want to remain in business we are here to stay for the long term and will do what it takes.